مؤلفات الشيخ ابن عثيمين

by Arabia For Information & Technology

Books & Reference


Books of Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al - OthaimeenThis application is a comprehensive scientific encyclopedia in various branches of science because it includes all the works and lessons of Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen in the jurisprudence, its fundamentals and rules, Hadith and its terminology, doctrine, language sciences, interpretation, the Prophets biography, the literature of the student of knowledge and general subjects. Fatwas of Sheikh and his scientific meetings.Application Advantages:1- ID card for each book:The app allows you to browse a card for each book with its own data.2. Ease of purchase:The possibility of purchasing the book easily and easily from the store.3 - Presentation of books and indexes:Each book and its index can be viewed, and scrolling through the book parts is easy.4. Distinguish passages from books:Specific sections of the book can be highlighted and shaded in a certain color to return to.5. Service of the reference mark:Ability to bookmark at a specific location, to be displayed again at any time.6 - Search within the book:Search the content of a book by entering a specific word or phrase.7. Display Settings:Controls the display settings by changing the font color and size.